Student Space

Welcome to the Synodal School of Liturgical Music’s Student Space!  Here, you will find almost  everything you need in preparation for our annual summer session. We look forward to seeing you soon!

SSLM Welcome Letter: Chock-full of information, you will have received it by email already, but in case you wish to read it again…

Travel and Housing Information

Novo Diveevo Living and Study Area Map

Map of the Convent Grounds

What to Bring and What to Wear

Opening Day Moleben (For First Years: We will be singing this as a group as the first activity of the school, on Sunday the 18th at 2 pm in the main church of the Convent. We will provide hard copies; don’t worry if you don’t learn it before then!)

Sheet Music for the Choir Class: Please download and take a look at the music provided via this link, in preparation for this year’s choir class – these are pieces that students will be conducting. You will get hard “official” copies when you arrive (Note: the instructor reserves the right to switch out pieces, depending on the actual composition of the choir (he may choose to add harder or easier pieces, depending).

Church Music History Listening Links: Please download these as these will be an essential part of your listening for the class.

The Lord’s Prayer in Slavonic (with translation and transcription into Latin alphabet. We will be singing it before lunch and dinner daily).

Prayer After Meals (We will be singing this in Slavonic as a group every day after lunch and dinner: here, we provide the Slavonic text, translation, and transcription into Latin alphabet)

Church Slavonic Alphabet

Church Slavonic Dictionary